Introduction of Jeannette Rashid

Introduction of Jeannette Rashid as Keynote Speaker at the 2002 Rashid Reunion
By Philip Rashid of Chicago

The Rashid Club of America’s annual convention-reunion honors the family’s history and accentuates the prospects of future happiness and prosperity.

This 74th annual love fest is a special dedication to the beloved women, cherished aunts and dear sisters whose depth and breadth of contributions to this family are heroic and noble.

These dear hearts, crossbred in their family’s old country culture and the new American way of life, acknowledge the variance and translated that difference and in so doing enriched each member of their household. They nourished the fondness of family, encouraged love of neighbor and stimulated the pursuit of wisdom. They provided comfort and understanding. And in themselves became an inspiration.

To widen and deepen the dimensions of their marvelous contributions is our guest speaker, Jeannette of Lafayette, Illinois.

As you listen to Jeannette you may hear the voice and envision the presence of the dear heart who motivated you, who guided you in the precepts of giving and of a good life.